A. E. Kamenshchikov
Being Needed is the Greatest Value 10.22184/2227-572X.2024.
Being Needed is the Greatest Value 10.22184/2227-572X.2024.
K. V. Grigorovich
I Couldn't Pass By Science 10.22184/2227-572X.2024.
I Couldn't Pass By Science 10.22184/2227-572X.2024.
Analytics of Substances and Materials
T. D. Ksenofontova, V. B. Baranovskaya
Chlorogenic and Caffeic Acids: Applications and Methods of Determination 10.22184/2227-572X.2024.14.4.312.321
Chlorogenic and caffeic acids are among the most common hydroxycinnamic acids. They are present in a variety of plants, including coffee, tea, and fruits. These compounds are the object of active research with a focus on their biological activity and potential applications in maintenance of human health. This review discusses the importance of caffeic and chlorogenic acids, their applications, and the methods of determination in various objects. The article focuses on the sources of these acids, their biological activity, and their impact on human health. It also discusses modern approaches to the analysis of the content of caffeic and chlorogenic acids in food products, beverages and medicines.
Chlorogenic and Caffeic Acids: Applications and Methods of Determination 10.22184/2227-572X.2024.14.4.312.321
Chlorogenic and caffeic acids are among the most common hydroxycinnamic acids. They are present in a variety of plants, including coffee, tea, and fruits. These compounds are the object of active research with a focus on their biological activity and potential applications in maintenance of human health. This review discusses the importance of caffeic and chlorogenic acids, their applications, and the methods of determination in various objects. The article focuses on the sources of these acids, their biological activity, and their impact on human health. It also discusses modern approaches to the analysis of the content of caffeic and chlorogenic acids in food products, beverages and medicines.
Tags: caffeic acid chlorogenic acid chromatography hydroxycinnamic acids гидроксикоричные кислоты кофейная кислота хлорогеновая кислота хроматография
I. A. Filenko, O. N. Bubelo, S. S. Bozhenkova, N. A. Polyanskaya, O. V. Kovalchukova
Photometric Determination of Azodyes Based on Carbo- and Heterocyclic Alpha-Dicarbonyl Compounds 10.22184/2227-572X.2024.14.4.322.326
Until recently, synthetic organic dyes were considered micropollutants due to their low concentrations in the environment, but recent data indicate that dye pollution is becoming an increasing problem. The production process, determination of product quality parameters and environmental requirements require analytical control. The article describes new azo dyes based on carbo- and heterocyclic alpha-dicarbonyl compounds and presents the results of their determination by photometric method. Optimal absorption wavelengths of solutions of the compounds, specific absorption coefficients, detection limits and linear ranges of determination are established.
Photometric Determination of Azodyes Based on Carbo- and Heterocyclic Alpha-Dicarbonyl Compounds 10.22184/2227-572X.2024.14.4.322.326
Until recently, synthetic organic dyes were considered micropollutants due to their low concentrations in the environment, but recent data indicate that dye pollution is becoming an increasing problem. The production process, determination of product quality parameters and environmental requirements require analytical control. The article describes new azo dyes based on carbo- and heterocyclic alpha-dicarbonyl compounds and presents the results of their determination by photometric method. Optimal absorption wavelengths of solutions of the compounds, specific absorption coefficients, detection limits and linear ranges of determination are established.
B. L. Milman, I. K. Zhurkovich
Micro- and Nanoplastics. Contours of the Problem 10.22184/2227-572X.2024.14.4.328.337
This publication is a brief review of the problem of micro- (MP) and nanoplastics (NP), small polymer particles that pollute the environment and threaten to ecosystems and human health. Characteristics of MF and NP, sources of their enter into the environment, impact on living organisms are considered. Different areas of MF and NP study are highlighted. With the abundance of works carried out, their fragmentation is observed, and there is no whole understanding of threats to human health.
Micro- and Nanoplastics. Contours of the Problem 10.22184/2227-572X.2024.14.4.328.337
This publication is a brief review of the problem of micro- (MP) and nanoplastics (NP), small polymer particles that pollute the environment and threaten to ecosystems and human health. Characteristics of MF and NP, sources of their enter into the environment, impact on living organisms are considered. Different areas of MF and NP study are highlighted. With the abundance of works carried out, their fragmentation is observed, and there is no whole understanding of threats to human health.
Tags: chemical analysis of polymers environment microplastics nanoplastics toxicology микропластик нанопластик окружающая среда токсикология химический анализ полимеров
Analytical Methods and Instruments
A. V. Astakhov
Study of a Wide Class of Organic Compounds by Chromatograph Mass Spectrometry 10.22184/2227-572X.2024.14.4.302.310
Chromatography-mass spectrometry is an analytical method based on a combination of the capabilities of chromatography for the separation of substances and mass spectrometry, which uses their spectral characteristics for the qualitative and quantitative determination of individual components in complex mixtures. A brief historical background on the development of mass spectrometry, the types of main components of the mass spectrometer and a description of the operation of the chromatography-mass spectrometer using the example of the Kristallux 4000M-Maestro-αMS device, as well as its technical characteristics are provided. The applications of the gas chromatography-mass spectrometer and some specific measurement techniques are listed.
Study of a Wide Class of Organic Compounds by Chromatograph Mass Spectrometry 10.22184/2227-572X.2024.14.4.302.310
Chromatography-mass spectrometry is an analytical method based on a combination of the capabilities of chromatography for the separation of substances and mass spectrometry, which uses their spectral characteristics for the qualitative and quantitative determination of individual components in complex mixtures. A brief historical background on the development of mass spectrometry, the types of main components of the mass spectrometer and a description of the operation of the chromatography-mass spectrometer using the example of the Kristallux 4000M-Maestro-αMS device, as well as its technical characteristics are provided. The applications of the gas chromatography-mass spectrometer and some specific measurement techniques are listed.
Tags: capillary column chromatography identification of components of mixtures mass spectrometry идентификация компонентов смесей капиллярная колонка масс-спектрометрия хроматография
Historic chapters
E. V. Rybakova
M. S. Vigdergauz is a Scientist, Organizer of Science, Founder of the Samara Chromatographic School. To the 90th Anniversary of the Scientist. 10.22184/2227-572X.2024.14.4.338.342
This year marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding world-famous scientist, an organizer of science who created the most powerful chromatographic school in our country, as well as a popularizer of chromatography, a science to which Mark Solomonovich Vigdergauz devoted his entire life. Scientific interests of M. S. Vigdergaus covers all areas of chromatography: from the theory and practice of gas chromatography to the development of chromatographic processes using non-ideal eluents, stationary phases and transclassification variants of chromatography based on the use of phase transitions in the stationary and mobile phases. Mark Solomonovich actively introduced gas-liquid (GLC) and capillary chromatography into analytical control, developed the use of gas chromatography in non-analytical control and in industrial processes. Under his leadership, one of the first computer data banks of chromatographic retention values of more than twenty thousand organic substances was created, and a minimum set of preferred stationary phases was proposed, taking into account conditional chromatographic polarity. M. S. Vigdergauz proposed the double internal standard method and other methods for calculating chromatograms. The scientist’s research made a significant contribution to the development of gas chromatographic methods for the analysis of oil and petroleum products.
M. S. Vigdergauz is a Scientist, Organizer of Science, Founder of the Samara Chromatographic School. To the 90th Anniversary of the Scientist. 10.22184/2227-572X.2024.14.4.338.342
This year marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding world-famous scientist, an organizer of science who created the most powerful chromatographic school in our country, as well as a popularizer of chromatography, a science to which Mark Solomonovich Vigdergauz devoted his entire life. Scientific interests of M. S. Vigdergaus covers all areas of chromatography: from the theory and practice of gas chromatography to the development of chromatographic processes using non-ideal eluents, stationary phases and transclassification variants of chromatography based on the use of phase transitions in the stationary and mobile phases. Mark Solomonovich actively introduced gas-liquid (GLC) and capillary chromatography into analytical control, developed the use of gas chromatography in non-analytical control and in industrial processes. Under his leadership, one of the first computer data banks of chromatographic retention values of more than twenty thousand organic substances was created, and a minimum set of preferred stationary phases was proposed, taking into account conditional chromatographic polarity. M. S. Vigdergauz proposed the double internal standard method and other methods for calculating chromatograms. The scientist’s research made a significant contribution to the development of gas chromatographic methods for the analysis of oil and petroleum products.