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Instrumentation and components
М.Трусов, С.Жохов
RAMAN MICROSCOPES FROM HORIBA SCIENTIFIC The first products of the company were pH meters, their production started in 1950. Today, Horiba company group is a large international concern including 42 companies of more than 15 countries. Horiba produces a wide range of measuring and analytical instruments for research and development centers and laboratories, health care institutions and clinics, environmental monitoring, industrial monitoring, semiconductor industry, automobile industry.
RAMAN MICROSCOPES FROM HORIBA SCIENTIFIC The first products of the company were pH meters, their production started in 1950. Today, Horiba company group is a large international concern including 42 companies of more than 15 countries. Horiba produces a wide range of measuring and analytical instruments for research and development centers and laboratories, health care institutions and clinics, environmental monitoring, industrial monitoring, semiconductor industry, automobile industry.
Tags: microspectrometry raman mapping raman scattering spectroscopy микроспектрометрия рамановское картирование спектроскопия комбинационного рассеяния
SHIMADZU solutions for the oil and gas industry increasing of the petrochemical industry based on petroleum refinery products, gas condensate, and associated, refinery and natural gas. Specifically, quality requirements grow to the feedstock and final products of petroleum and gas chemistry. Gas chromatography is one of the most popular methods of analysis in the oil and gas industry.
SHIMADZU solutions for the oil and gas industry increasing of the petrochemical industry based on petroleum refinery products, gas condensate, and associated, refinery and natural gas. Specifically, quality requirements grow to the feedstock and final products of petroleum and gas chemistry. Gas chromatography is one of the most popular methods of analysis in the oil and gas industry.
Tags: detector gas chromatograph natural gas газовая хроматография детектор кран-дозатор природный газ
V.Gelever, E.Usachev, A.Manushkin
Hybrid nanoscope – versatile device for laboratories of various profiles Development, application and diffusion of nanotechnologies leads to growth of number of nanostructured objects to be studied with application of microscopic, spectroscopic, diffractometric and other methods. Various kinds of electronic, scanning probe and optical microscopes are used to study the structure and composition of substances. The hybrid device - nanoscope designed for comprehensive researches of small nanostructured objects has been developed in MSTU MSIREEA.
Hybrid nanoscope – versatile device for laboratories of various profiles Development, application and diffusion of nanotechnologies leads to growth of number of nanostructured objects to be studied with application of microscopic, spectroscopic, diffractometric and other methods. Various kinds of electronic, scanning probe and optical microscopes are used to study the structure and composition of substances. The hybrid device - nanoscope designed for comprehensive researches of small nanostructured objects has been developed in MSTU MSIREEA.
Tags: nanoscop scanning electron microscopy scanning prob microscopy наноскоп растровая электронная микроскопия сканирующая зондовая микроскопия
K.Guryeva, S.Beletsky
Application of the ОXITEST device for assessment of sunflower oil oxidation stability FSBI R&DISP of FSRA uses modern innovative device OXITEST in scientific researches of food quality during storage. This article describes practical application of the new laboratory device for characterization of sunflower oil oxidation stability at different temperatures.
Application of the ОXITEST device for assessment of sunflower oil oxidation stability FSBI R&DISP of FSRA uses modern innovative device OXITEST in scientific researches of food quality during storage. This article describes practical application of the new laboratory device for characterization of sunflower oil oxidation stability at different temperatures.
Tags: auto-oxidation reaction oxidation stability автоокислительная реакция окислительная стабильность
E.Novikov, M.Kiryukhin
Used Oil Analysis. An Uncharted Territory lubricating oils, with the rest being greases. It is difficult to overestimate the influence of the quality of lubricating oil on the wear resistance of operating mechanisms. This article substantiates the need for a comprehensive approach to solving the problems of condition monitoring in order to timely replace used lubricants. The principles of oil condition monitoring and the key analytical parameters are discussed. Examples are given to illustrate the application of used oil analysis to saving the company resources.
Used Oil Analysis. An Uncharted Territory lubricating oils, with the rest being greases. It is difficult to overestimate the influence of the quality of lubricating oil on the wear resistance of operating mechanisms. This article substantiates the need for a comprehensive approach to solving the problems of condition monitoring in order to timely replace used lubricants. The principles of oil condition monitoring and the key analytical parameters are discussed. Examples are given to illustrate the application of used oil analysis to saving the company resources.
Experts opinion