The report from the laboratory
Equipment Shimadzu - it is a platform for creativity. The visit to the laboratory of Analyte Company
Instrumentation and components
Multi Detection Gel permeation chromatography Analysis of Polymers GPC/SEC is the only chromatographic technique that can determine the molecular weight distribution of a polymer. Adding advanced detection boosts this capability, improving both the accuracy and information
Content of the experiment. Dual-angle light scattering or viscometer detectors not only provide more accurate molecular weights, but also an insight into the behavior of the polymer in solution. The 1260 Infinity MDS is an integrated detector suite designed as a simple add-on to any liquid chromatography system allowing all forms of GPC analysis to be performed.
Multi Detection Gel permeation chromatography Analysis of Polymers GPC/SEC is the only chromatographic technique that can determine the molecular weight distribution of a polymer. Adding advanced detection boosts this capability, improving both the accuracy and information
Content of the experiment. Dual-angle light scattering or viscometer detectors not only provide more accurate molecular weights, but also an insight into the behavior of the polymer in solution. The 1260 Infinity MDS is an integrated detector suite designed as a simple add-on to any liquid chromatography system allowing all forms of GPC analysis to be performed.
Tags: gel permeation chromatography molecular weight multi detector suite гель-проникающая хроматография молекулярная масса полимера мультидетекторная система
M.Tremasova, D.Farmakovskiy
World premiere: Tracera GC-system with the barrier ionization discharge detector The article presents a new development of Shimadzu company – a Tracera system combining well-known in the market a gas chromatograph GC-2010 Plus with a new high-sensitivity universal barrier discharge ionization detector capable to detect trace amounts of any organic and inorganic substances. The new Tracera system is applicable for more areas of high sensitive analysis, in which complex systems with multiple detectors have been used previously.
World premiere: Tracera GC-system with the barrier ionization discharge detector The article presents a new development of Shimadzu company – a Tracera system combining well-known in the market a gas chromatograph GC-2010 Plus with a new high-sensitivity universal barrier discharge ionization detector capable to detect trace amounts of any organic and inorganic substances. The new Tracera system is applicable for more areas of high sensitive analysis, in which complex systems with multiple detectors have been used previously.
Tags: barrier discharge ionization detector gc-system mixture of organic and inorganic substances гх-система ионизационный детектор барьерного разряда смеси органических и неорганических веществ
Characterisation of semiconductors by confocal raman spectroscopy Renishaw (UK) is a world leader in industrial metrology, motion control, spectroscopy and precision machining. The invia confocal Raman microscope by Renishaw incorporates all newest technologies in full compliance with the company slogan – Apply Innovation. The article is focused on the examples of using of the invia microscope for study of semiconductors’ wafers.
Characterisation of semiconductors by confocal raman spectroscopy Renishaw (UK) is a world leader in industrial metrology, motion control, spectroscopy and precision machining. The invia confocal Raman microscope by Renishaw incorporates all newest technologies in full compliance with the company slogan – Apply Innovation. The article is focused on the examples of using of the invia microscope for study of semiconductors’ wafers.
Tags: invia raman spectroscopy renishaw semiconductors sic карбид кремния полупроводники рамановская спектроскопия
Performance advantages of Moxtek’s Pro-Flux polarizers in the range from UV to NIR There are many fields of application in science and technique for polarizers: for instance in researching of mechanical stress allocation in transparent objects via polarized light, for organic structure analysis, in saccharimetry and particularly in crystal optics, astronomy, photography. Moxtek’s polarizers UVD260 and UVD240 Proflux series manufactured via nanowire® fabrication technology and have several benefits in comparison with traditional Glan-Taylor and Glan-Thompson polarizers which applied in spectroscopy. Due to advantages and design features of UVD polarizers managed to reach high quality of polarization over a wide spectral range from UV to IR.
Performance advantages of Moxtek’s Pro-Flux polarizers in the range from UV to NIR There are many fields of application in science and technique for polarizers: for instance in researching of mechanical stress allocation in transparent objects via polarized light, for organic structure analysis, in saccharimetry and particularly in crystal optics, astronomy, photography. Moxtek’s polarizers UVD260 and UVD240 Proflux series manufactured via nanowire® fabrication technology and have several benefits in comparison with traditional Glan-Taylor and Glan-Thompson polarizers which applied in spectroscopy. Due to advantages and design features of UVD polarizers managed to reach high quality of polarization over a wide spectral range from UV to IR.
Tags: contrast ratio nanowire® technology polarizers transmittance контраст поляризаторы пропускание технология nanowire
Potentiometric titrator ATP-02 Innovative modern-day instrumentation is necessary for research and routine laboratories for its precision, reliability and productivity. The titrators are very useful while performing serial massive analysis aimed at the detection of explosive, toxic or radioactive analytics and targets. Titrators dramatically ease the work of analysts increasing the productivity (laboratory throughput), overall quality of work and minimizing errors. For that purpose Akvilon Company presents multifunctional fully automated potentiometric titrator ATP-02.
Potentiometric titrator ATP-02 Innovative modern-day instrumentation is necessary for research and routine laboratories for its precision, reliability and productivity. The titrators are very useful while performing serial massive analysis aimed at the detection of explosive, toxic or radioactive analytics and targets. Titrators dramatically ease the work of analysts increasing the productivity (laboratory throughput), overall quality of work and minimizing errors. For that purpose Akvilon Company presents multifunctional fully automated potentiometric titrator ATP-02.
Tags: multifunctional potentiometric titrator software package titrate-5.0 многофункциональный потенциометрический титратор программный комплекс titrate-5.0
Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry: Achievements and Outlook Advances in mass spectrometry have driven to a large extent development of analytical chemistry as a whole. High sensitivity and resolving power of modern mass spectrometers enabled solving of analytical problems both in fundamental and routine laboratory experiments. The latest newcomer to the family of mass spectrometers is Orbitrap analyzer capable of ultra-high resolving power. Orbitrap-based instrumentation has become well established in most important venues of research such as proteomics, metabolomics, metabolite identification, lipidomics, anti-doping control, trace analysis of pesticides and bioactive compounds in food, raw materials and environment.
Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry: Achievements and Outlook Advances in mass spectrometry have driven to a large extent development of analytical chemistry as a whole. High sensitivity and resolving power of modern mass spectrometers enabled solving of analytical problems both in fundamental and routine laboratory experiments. The latest newcomer to the family of mass spectrometers is Orbitrap analyzer capable of ultra-high resolving power. Orbitrap-based instrumentation has become well established in most important venues of research such as proteomics, metabolomics, metabolite identification, lipidomics, anti-doping control, trace analysis of pesticides and bioactive compounds in food, raw materials and environment.
Tags: high resolution mass spectrometry orbitrap selectivity sensitivity высокое разрешение масс-спектрометрия селективность чувствительность
A.Lebedev, t.Samgina
What the Frogs Can Tell Us? The study of composition of frog’s skin secretion Trying to find new biologically active compounds researches often study natural samples. A good example deals with skin secretion of amphibians. The article throws light upon various aspects of high resolution mass spectrometry applied to identify the amino acids sequence of all the components of complex natural peptides mixtures. The arising questions and possible approaches to overcome the difficulties are discussed.
What the Frogs Can Tell Us? The study of composition of frog’s skin secretion Trying to find new biologically active compounds researches often study natural samples. A good example deals with skin secretion of amphibians. The article throws light upon various aspects of high resolution mass spectrometry applied to identify the amino acids sequence of all the components of complex natural peptides mixtures. The arising questions and possible approaches to overcome the difficulties are discussed.
Tags: amino acids high resolution mass spectrometry sequencing аминокислоты масс-спектрометрия высокого разрешения пептиды секвенирование
A.Bashilov, O.Rogova
Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy: New Elemental Analysis Method Microwave radiation to generate the plasma burner, torches are used more than 50 years. For analytical purposes, the study of microwave plasma discharge in a microwave field was carried out in parallel with the development of the method of analysis is widely used in the 1990s and known as inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Only recently the optimal conditions for the use of microwave radiation to produce a plasma emission spectrometry for elemental analysis have been determined. It allowed to start batch production of microwave plasma spectrometers. Realized MP-AES method supplements other widely used optical spectroscopic methods of elemental analysis - AAS and ICP-OES, and, moreover, has a number of unique advantages.
Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy: New Elemental Analysis Method Microwave radiation to generate the plasma burner, torches are used more than 50 years. For analytical purposes, the study of microwave plasma discharge in a microwave field was carried out in parallel with the development of the method of analysis is widely used in the 1990s and known as inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Only recently the optimal conditions for the use of microwave radiation to produce a plasma emission spectrometry for elemental analysis have been determined. It allowed to start batch production of microwave plasma spectrometers. Realized MP-AES method supplements other widely used optical spectroscopic methods of elemental analysis - AAS and ICP-OES, and, moreover, has a number of unique advantages.
Tags: elemental analysis microwave radiation mp-aes optical spectroscopy plasma микроволновое излучение мп-аэс оптическая спектроскопия плазма элементный анализ
E. Dal martello, s. Bernardi, r.b. larsen, g. Tranell, m. Di sabatino, l. Arnberg
Electrical Fragmentation – a novel route for the refinement of quartz raw materials for trace mineral impurities The solar power actively develops around the world. For industrial production of solar batteries is very important the quality of raw materials so-called solar silicon. In this article the methods of refinement of quartz from the impurity to achieve the high purity of silicon for the solar cell Si-production are discussed. We evaluate and compare the comminution effects of electrical fragmentation and mechanical crushing. The possibility to combine both comminution techniques to receiving high-pure solar silicon with the minimum expenses is also discussed. The morphology of the particles, the crack distribution, and the degree of mineral liberation are studied by optical microscopy, electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA), and X-ray diffraction (XRD).
Electrical Fragmentation – a novel route for the refinement of quartz raw materials for trace mineral impurities The solar power actively develops around the world. For industrial production of solar batteries is very important the quality of raw materials so-called solar silicon. In this article the methods of refinement of quartz from the impurity to achieve the high purity of silicon for the solar cell Si-production are discussed. We evaluate and compare the comminution effects of electrical fragmentation and mechanical crushing. The possibility to combine both comminution techniques to receiving high-pure solar silicon with the minimum expenses is also discussed. The morphology of the particles, the crack distribution, and the degree of mineral liberation are studied by optical microscopy, electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA), and X-ray diffraction (XRD).
Tags: crushing electrical fragmentation industrial minirals liberation magnetic separation milling выделение дробление измельчение магнитное обогащение промышленные минералы электрическое фрагментирование
Experts opinion
Образование – не значит знание. О качестве подготовки специалистов в области аналитической химии
Не секрет, что российские вузы переживают сейчас не лучшие дни. Особенно тяжко приходится институтам и университетам технического направления – помимо насущных задач по поиску финансирования и выживания им приходится "бежать со всех ног", чтобы не отстать от технического прогресса и стараться включать в учебную программу современную и актуальную на сегодня информацию.
Насколько хорошо подготовлены к работе на современном аналитическом оборудовании молодые специалисты? Какие меры нужно предпринять, чтобы улучшить качество образования?
Насколько хорошо подготовлены к работе на современном аналитическом оборудовании молодые специалисты? Какие меры нужно предпринять, чтобы улучшить качество образования?