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MobiLab: Mobile PCR-Laboratory for Health Protection Every year, hundreds of thousands of people around the world become sick because of food poisoning. Food safety concerns every person on the planet and lots of specialists from different fields (microbiologists, chemists, technologists) work on this problem. In this regard sanitation, epidemiological and veterinary services assign following objectives: identification of food pathogens, species identification of animal tissues in food and animal feed. Strict control to protect consumers from goods of poor quality and faulty products is necessary. Mobile PCR laboratory MobiLab is designed for simple and rapid detection of common pathogens, which is especially important in the period of mass acute poisoning or outbreaks.
MobiLab: Mobile PCR-Laboratory for Health Protection Every year, hundreds of thousands of people around the world become sick because of food poisoning. Food safety concerns every person on the planet and lots of specialists from different fields (microbiologists, chemists, technologists) work on this problem. In this regard sanitation, epidemiological and veterinary services assign following objectives: identification of food pathogens, species identification of animal tissues in food and animal feed. Strict control to protect consumers from goods of poor quality and faulty products is necessary. Mobile PCR laboratory MobiLab is designed for simple and rapid detection of common pathogens, which is especially important in the period of mass acute poisoning or outbreaks.
Tags: mobilab mobile pcr-laboratory pathogenic microorganisms мобильная пцр-лаборатория патогенные микроорганизмы
A.Afanasyev, M.Gushina, Y.Antonyuk
Applications of Reactor Systems in the Modern Laboratories Now applications of laboratory reactors are increasing in the laboratories of different specializations.
Such systems are used for research purpose, and for modeling and scaling processes. In the article the main aspects of application of reactor systems are observed.
Applications of Reactor Systems in the Modern Laboratories Now applications of laboratory reactors are increasing in the laboratories of different specializations.
Such systems are used for research purpose, and for modeling and scaling processes. In the article the main aspects of application of reactor systems are observed.
Tags: laboratories reactors research synthesis technology исследования лаборатория реакторы синтез технология
V.Kopachevsky, S.Shashkov, A.Gvozdev
Confotec Series Raman Confocal Microscopes – Reliable Equipment for Scientific Research and Industry The scattering spectroscopy (Raman spectroscopy) is one of the most widely used analytical methods of a substance structure research as it provides the nondestructive analysis and doesn’t require special sample preparation. The studied sample is excited by laser radiation, then chemical composition of a studied sample is determined by analysis of a scattered radiation spectrum. The confocal microscope is capable of obtaining images of thin optical layers, a layer by layer, being focused in depth of a sample up to 80 microns. It allows to get 3D image, which contains information on spatial structure of a sample. Some examples of Confotec Raman confocal microscope application have been given in the article.
Confotec Series Raman Confocal Microscopes – Reliable Equipment for Scientific Research and Industry The scattering spectroscopy (Raman spectroscopy) is one of the most widely used analytical methods of a substance structure research as it provides the nondestructive analysis and doesn’t require special sample preparation. The studied sample is excited by laser radiation, then chemical composition of a studied sample is determined by analysis of a scattered radiation spectrum. The confocal microscope is capable of obtaining images of thin optical layers, a layer by layer, being focused in depth of a sample up to 80 microns. It allows to get 3D image, which contains information on spatial structure of a sample. Some examples of Confotec Raman confocal microscope application have been given in the article.
Tags: confotec confocal microscope nondestructive analysis raman scattering конфокальный микроскоп сonfotec неразрушающий анализ рамановское рассеяние
A.Kurganov, A.Kanateva
Organic Monolithic Sorbents for Molecular Size Separation of Polymers Monolithic sorbents are used for analysis of low and high molecular mass compounds in different separation modes in gas and liquid chromatography. High molecular mass compounds such as biopolymers are usually separated on the monolithic sorbents using methods based on interaction between the analyte and the separating media, for example, using ion-exchange and bio-affinity chromatography. Separation methods excluding sorption such as exclusion (gel-permeation) or hydrodynamic chromatography are not popular on monolithic sorbents due to their low working volume. However, recently it was shown that preparation of monolith with the structure optimized for molecular size separation of polymers is possible. The paper systematizes data on molecular mass separation of polymers using monolithic columns of different polarity. Also, the synthesis procedure is described and parameters influencing on the sorbent structure are found.
Organic Monolithic Sorbents for Molecular Size Separation of Polymers Monolithic sorbents are used for analysis of low and high molecular mass compounds in different separation modes in gas and liquid chromatography. High molecular mass compounds such as biopolymers are usually separated on the monolithic sorbents using methods based on interaction between the analyte and the separating media, for example, using ion-exchange and bio-affinity chromatography. Separation methods excluding sorption such as exclusion (gel-permeation) or hydrodynamic chromatography are not popular on monolithic sorbents due to their low working volume. However, recently it was shown that preparation of monolith with the structure optimized for molecular size separation of polymers is possible. The paper systematizes data on molecular mass separation of polymers using monolithic columns of different polarity. Also, the synthesis procedure is described and parameters influencing on the sorbent structure are found.
Tags: chromatography non-sorption separation methods organic monolithic sorbents несорбционные методы разделения органические монолитные сорбенты хроматография
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