The report from the laboratory
Platform LECO Pegasus – a combination of gas chromatography and TOF-mass spectrometry
The visit to the European technical centre
LECO Corporation in Prague
LECO Corporation in Prague
Exhibitions and Conferences
Instrumentation and components
SHIMADZU: practical solutions and high tech specialties for pharmaceutical and clinical laboratories To 140th anniversary of Shimadzu Corporation
SHIMADZU: practical solutions and high tech specialties for pharmaceutical and clinical laboratories To 140th anniversary of Shimadzu Corporation
MORE EFFICIENCY, MORE FREE TIME. The new ultra high pressure HPLC system Agilent 1290 Infinity II Agilent 1290 Infinity II, the next-generation UHPLC system, was presented by Agilent Technologies at the Russian market in December 2014 in Moscow. This system had been first demonstrated in September. Agilent 1290 Infinity II is the newest model of Agilent 1200 LC series, it represents the much improved version of previous Agilent 1290 Infinity system. The system shows outstanding reliability typical for all Agilent production. It combines innovative technologies which assure the maximal analytical efficiency, extensive instrumental possibilities, and optimal effectiveness of the system as a part of whole laboratory
MORE EFFICIENCY, MORE FREE TIME. The new ultra high pressure HPLC system Agilent 1290 Infinity II Agilent 1290 Infinity II, the next-generation UHPLC system, was presented by Agilent Technologies at the Russian market in December 2014 in Moscow. This system had been first demonstrated in September. Agilent 1290 Infinity II is the newest model of Agilent 1200 LC series, it represents the much improved version of previous Agilent 1290 Infinity system. The system shows outstanding reliability typical for all Agilent production. It combines innovative technologies which assure the maximal analytical efficiency, extensive instrumental possibilities, and optimal effectiveness of the system as a part of whole laboratory
P. Gorelov, P. Lyakhov
Automated liquid handling systems for laboratory research Have you ever counted the hours you have spent in the lab just pipetting? It’s probably better not to know an exact figure; however, a fair guess is that laboratory personnel spend approximate-ly 500 hours a year or two hours per day with pipetting. That means that one-quar-ter of the whole working day is dedicated to a repetitive task that needs full oncen¬tration, a task which could also be done by a pipetting robot. Automation of laboratory processes can significantly improve the quality of the analyzes and virtually eliminates the possibility of error.
Automated liquid handling systems for laboratory research Have you ever counted the hours you have spent in the lab just pipetting? It’s probably better not to know an exact figure; however, a fair guess is that laboratory personnel spend approximate-ly 500 hours a year or two hours per day with pipetting. That means that one-quar-ter of the whole working day is dedicated to a repetitive task that needs full oncen¬tration, a task which could also be done by a pipetting robot. Automation of laboratory processes can significantly improve the quality of the analyzes and virtually eliminates the possibility of error.
Tags: analytical laboratory automatic pipetting station pcr автоматическая станция для пипетирования аналитическая лаборатория пцр
T.A. Voeikova, B.V. Tyaglov, L.M. Novikova, K.V. Lobanov, S.V. Antonova, V.K. Ilyin
The Investigation of spaceflight effects on tylosin growth producing by strain Streptomyces fradiae The space flight factors such as microgravity, changing electromagnetic fields, various types of radiation can have a significant impact on the metabolism and stability of the genetic material of microorganisms. In the influence of space flight factors on the synthesis of tylosin in strain of Streptomyces fradiae method for quantitative thin-layer chromatography. It is shown that the flight samples is the total reduction of the level milasinovic antibiotics by 30%. The developed and validated method for quantitative determination of tylosin and desmycosin.
The Investigation of spaceflight effects on tylosin growth producing by strain Streptomyces fradiae The space flight factors such as microgravity, changing electromagnetic fields, various types of radiation can have a significant impact on the metabolism and stability of the genetic material of microorganisms. In the influence of space flight factors on the synthesis of tylosin in strain of Streptomyces fradiae method for quantitative thin-layer chromatography. It is shown that the flight samples is the total reduction of the level milasinovic antibiotics by 30%. The developed and validated method for quantitative determination of tylosin and desmycosin.
Tags: antibiotics factors of space flight the method of determination tylosin антибиотики методика определения тилозин факторы космического полета
T.Sobolevsky, G.Krotov, M.Dikunets, M.Nikitina, E.Mochalova, G.Rodchenkov
Antidoping analyses at the Sochi Olympic and Paralympic Games 2014 Anti-Doping Analysis – mandatory procedures followed modern sports. At the Games of 2014 in Sochi doping analysis was performed in the Olympic anti-doping laboratory located on a strictly protected area Olympic Park. Laboratory, designed and equipped in accordance with international standards, has been accredited World Anti-Doping Agency for testing during games. The 4-floor building accommodated the most advanced analytical instrumentation and became a place of attraction for more than 50 Russian specialists and 25 international experts from 14 countries, including independent observers. During the games analyzed 2,537 urine samples and 687 blood samples. Received an unprecedented number of positive results for illegal substances, found pseudoephedrine, methylhexaneamine, trimetazidine, dehydrochloromethyltestosterone, clostebol and design stimulator N-ethyl-1-phenylbutan-2-amine.
Antidoping analyses at the Sochi Olympic and Paralympic Games 2014 Anti-Doping Analysis – mandatory procedures followed modern sports. At the Games of 2014 in Sochi doping analysis was performed in the Olympic anti-doping laboratory located on a strictly protected area Olympic Park. Laboratory, designed and equipped in accordance with international standards, has been accredited World Anti-Doping Agency for testing during games. The 4-floor building accommodated the most advanced analytical instrumentation and became a place of attraction for more than 50 Russian specialists and 25 international experts from 14 countries, including independent observers. During the games analyzed 2,537 urine samples and 687 blood samples. Received an unprecedented number of positive results for illegal substances, found pseudoephedrine, methylhexaneamine, trimetazidine, dehydrochloromethyltestosterone, clostebol and design stimulator N-ethyl-1-phenylbutan-2-amine.
Tags: anti-doping analysis olympic games paralympic games prohibited substances антидопинговый анализ проб запрещенные вещества олимпийские игры паралимпийские игры
Experts opinion