Competent opinion
Exhibitions and Conferences
analytica 2018 in Munich. The new look of the modern laboratory
This year the exhibition showed a record number of visitors. According to the organizers, this is the largest international forum dedicated to the topic of digital transformation of a modern laboratory. At the leading international trade fair of laboratory technologies, their expositions were represented by 1,164 companies from 49 countries. The largest increase in the number of visitors was demonstrated by China, Austria, Korea, Russia and Japan. Such a large-scale increase in the popularity of the exhibition suggests that the industry is developing rapidly.
The business program included a wide range of panel discussions, conferences and seminars. Thus, the premiere of the Digital Transformation forum was a great success. A large number of visitors were attracted by the panel discussion “Current trends in financing in biotechnology”. Many participants praised the special show "Health and Safety at Work".
Within the framework of the analytical conference, more than 2 thousand participants were able to get acquainted with the results of the most relevant scientific works for the industry.
The business program included a wide range of panel discussions, conferences and seminars. Thus, the premiere of the Digital Transformation forum was a great success. A large number of visitors were attracted by the panel discussion “Current trends in financing in biotechnology”. Many participants praised the special show "Health and Safety at Work".
Within the framework of the analytical conference, more than 2 thousand participants were able to get acquainted with the results of the most relevant scientific works for the industry.
Tags: biotechnology digital transformation panel discussion биотехнологии панельная дискуссия цифровая трансформация
Expert evaluation
Modern laboratory
Yu. S. Kovalevsky
Chromatography in geochemistry: how to improve the efficiency of oil exploratio About two years ago at the Department of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University started a new laboratory, which concentrated its efforts on the study of hydrocarbon (HC) fluids of unconventional source oil deposits. At the beginning of the year, a new instrument appeared on this site - the YL 6900 GC / MS gas chromatographic mass spectrometer of the South Korean company YL Instruments, which was provided by its exclusive distributor in Russia, Ostek-ArtTul.
The staff of the Department of Geology and Geochemistry of Fossil Fuels of the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University told us about what scientific research is now relevant for studying the formation of oil and oil fields, what work is being done in the laboratory and how a new facility helps in its research told us an expert of the National Intellectual Development Foundation (R & D), Anton Kalmykov, and Marina Balakina, Chief Expert on Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry of the Ostek-ArtTul company.
Chromatography in geochemistry: how to improve the efficiency of oil exploratio About two years ago at the Department of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University started a new laboratory, which concentrated its efforts on the study of hydrocarbon (HC) fluids of unconventional source oil deposits. At the beginning of the year, a new instrument appeared on this site - the YL 6900 GC / MS gas chromatographic mass spectrometer of the South Korean company YL Instruments, which was provided by its exclusive distributor in Russia, Ostek-ArtTul.
The staff of the Department of Geology and Geochemistry of Fossil Fuels of the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University told us about what scientific research is now relevant for studying the formation of oil and oil fields, what work is being done in the laboratory and how a new facility helps in its research told us an expert of the National Intellectual Development Foundation (R & D), Anton Kalmykov, and Marina Balakina, Chief Expert on Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry of the Ostek-ArtTul company.
Tags: core extraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometer hydrocarbon fluids oil rock керн нефть порода ув-флюиды хромато-масс-спектрометр экстракция
Analysis and control: methods, instruments, solutions
U. Opperman
Methods of determination impurities in food packaging In this article describes various techniques for food packaging analysis. A combination of FTIR and EDX spectroscopy offers access to a multitude of information on plastics including heavy metals. Both methods are completely non-destructive and no need sample preparation. In addition the determination of mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) and mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) in food packaging was done with online HPLC-GC-FID technology.
Methods of determination impurities in food packaging In this article describes various techniques for food packaging analysis. A combination of FTIR and EDX spectroscopy offers access to a multitude of information on plastics including heavy metals. Both methods are completely non-destructive and no need sample preparation. In addition the determination of mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) and mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) in food packaging was done with online HPLC-GC-FID technology.
Tags: edx food packaging ftir lc-gc-online technique plastic ик-спектроскопия онлайн-вэжх-гх пищевая упаковка пластик энергодисперсионный рентгенофлуоресцентный анализ
Osamu Terasaki, Yanhang Ma, Yuusuke Sakuda, Hideyuki Takahashi, Kenichi Tsutsumi, Shunsuke Asahina, Masato Kudo, Robert W. Corkery
High spatial resolution scanning electron microscope: evaluation and structural analysis of nanostructured materials. Part 2 Recent advances in electron optics provide the spatial resolution of scanning electron microscopes at a level of 1.0 nm and below, even at a relatively low accelerating voltage of about 1 kV. In the second part of the article, examples of the application of a scanning electron microscope with high spatial resolution for the study of various materials and objects are considered. Tasks include analysis using secondary and backscattered electron detectors, working in a large depth of field mode when observing surface structures, obtaining contrast images at low accelerating voltage in Auger-electron spectroscopy, studying the composition of substances and chemical bonds using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and soft x-ray spectroscopy. The issues of sample preparation and selection of measurement conditions are also considered. It is noted that scanning electron microscopy has a great potential for growth.
High spatial resolution scanning electron microscope: evaluation and structural analysis of nanostructured materials. Part 2 Recent advances in electron optics provide the spatial resolution of scanning electron microscopes at a level of 1.0 nm and below, even at a relatively low accelerating voltage of about 1 kV. In the second part of the article, examples of the application of a scanning electron microscope with high spatial resolution for the study of various materials and objects are considered. Tasks include analysis using secondary and backscattered electron detectors, working in a large depth of field mode when observing surface structures, obtaining contrast images at low accelerating voltage in Auger-electron spectroscopy, studying the composition of substances and chemical bonds using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and soft x-ray spectroscopy. The issues of sample preparation and selection of measurement conditions are also considered. It is noted that scanning electron microscopy has a great potential for growth.
Tags: accelerating voltage backscattered electrons large depth of field secondary electrons большая глубина резкости вторичные электроны обратно-рассеянные электроны ускоряющее напряжение
I. К. Zhurkovich, N. G. Kovrov, N. V. Lugovkina, B. L. Milman
Be careful of microcystins! The problem of microcystins, which are toxic metabolites of some types of cyanobacteria living in natural freshwater bodies, is considered. A particular danger is associated with the use of drinking water contaminated with microcystins, which can cause a number of serious diseases. The analytical determination of microcystins and the purification of water from them are discussed. Both rapid screening and precise quantitative methods including high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry are considered. The mechanisms of degradation of microcystins in the aquatic environment and ways to prevent the dangerous effects of these compounds on the health of humans and animals are briefly described.
Be careful of microcystins! The problem of microcystins, which are toxic metabolites of some types of cyanobacteria living in natural freshwater bodies, is considered. A particular danger is associated with the use of drinking water contaminated with microcystins, which can cause a number of serious diseases. The analytical determination of microcystins and the purification of water from them are discussed. Both rapid screening and precise quantitative methods including high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry are considered. The mechanisms of degradation of microcystins in the aquatic environment and ways to prevent the dangerous effects of these compounds on the health of humans and animals are briefly described.
Tags: chromatography mass spectrometry cyanobacteria microcystins toxins water treatment микроцистины очистка воды токсины хромато-масс-спектрометрия цианобактерии
A. V. Sarukhanov, D. V. Krylenkin, M. V. Fedorkova
Methods for determination of mobility of ¹³⁷Cs in soil. An analytical review An analytical review of the approaches and methods for determination of ¹³⁷Cs mobility in soil is presented. Depending on the purpose research in this area is divided into two main groups. The first group is aimed at studying the processes of radionuclide fixation by the solid phase of the soil and its behavior in the soil-soil solution system. The second group of methods helps to assess the radionuclide interaction with various components of the soil and its potential availability for plants. Bioavailability of ¹³⁷Cs in soil-plant system can be estimated using data on radionuclide’s chemical forms in the soil. A modification of the classical method of successive extracts by Pavlotskaya is presented. Such modification allows reduce losses for re-adsorption and incomplete separation of fractions from 30 to 56%, simplify the analysis process and reduce analytical losses during filtration.
Methods for determination of mobility of ¹³⁷Cs in soil. An analytical review An analytical review of the approaches and methods for determination of ¹³⁷Cs mobility in soil is presented. Depending on the purpose research in this area is divided into two main groups. The first group is aimed at studying the processes of radionuclide fixation by the solid phase of the soil and its behavior in the soil-soil solution system. The second group of methods helps to assess the radionuclide interaction with various components of the soil and its potential availability for plants. Bioavailability of ¹³⁷Cs in soil-plant system can be estimated using data on radionuclide’s chemical forms in the soil. A modification of the classical method of successive extracts by Pavlotskaya is presented. Such modification allows reduce losses for re-adsorption and incomplete separation of fractions from 30 to 56%, simplify the analysis process and reduce analytical losses during filtration.
Tags: ¹³⁷cs chemical forms fractionation selective extracts soil mobility подвижность в почве селективные вытяжки формы нахождения фракционирование
K. D. Yalda, V. N. Spiridonov, D. V. Zhuzhelskii
Automation of sample preparation using microwave systems The design and software features of the automated system microwave sample preparation MS-10 with two types of high and low pressure containers are described. Advantages associated with reduction in the time of sample preparation, reduction in the costs for reagents, facilitating and improving the safety of the operator are discussed.
Automation of sample preparation using microwave systems The design and software features of the automated system microwave sample preparation MS-10 with two types of high and low pressure containers are described. Advantages associated with reduction in the time of sample preparation, reduction in the costs for reagents, facilitating and improving the safety of the operator are discussed.
Tags: containers high and low pressure microwave sample preparation system высокое и низкое давление контейнеры система микроволновой пробоподготовки
Thermohygrometers IVTM-7 and hygrometers IVG-1 produced by EKSIS company
Ecological Sensors and Systems (EKSIS) is a well-known and reliable domestic developer and manufacturer of test equipment for monitoring gas and air environments: gas analyzers, hygrometers and thermo-hygrometers, thermo-anemometers, digital thermometers, etc. Based on many years of experience works in the field of instrument making, the company has developed and for many years successfully supplied to the market of measuring equipment professional electronic thermohygrometers and hygrometers of the IVTM-7 and IVG-1 series.
Tags: hygrometer measuring equipment thermohygrometer гигрометр измерительное оборудование термогигрометр
Science and education
T. N. Shekhovtsova
Analytical chemistry teaching in MSU under the conditions of Russian higher education reforming The overview on the current situation in analytical chemistry teaching in Moscow State University is presented. The most important aspects of analytical chemistry teaching are discussed: undergraduate course of analytical chemistry, including real-world samples analysis as a final work on chemical methods of analysis, course research work using instrumental methods of analysis, module-rating system. Special attention is payed to the peculiarities of majoring in analytical chemistry and post-doctoral course in MSU. Finally, the advantages and drawbacks of the reforms and novel forms of analytical chemistry teaching in MSU are discussed.
Analytical chemistry teaching in MSU under the conditions of Russian higher education reforming The overview on the current situation in analytical chemistry teaching in Moscow State University is presented. The most important aspects of analytical chemistry teaching are discussed: undergraduate course of analytical chemistry, including real-world samples analysis as a final work on chemical methods of analysis, course research work using instrumental methods of analysis, module-rating system. Special attention is payed to the peculiarities of majoring in analytical chemistry and post-doctoral course in MSU. Finally, the advantages and drawbacks of the reforms and novel forms of analytical chemistry teaching in MSU are discussed.