Exhibitions and Conferences
Agilent Forum 2013: prospects of development Agilent Technologies is a world leading manufacturer of measuring devices and a leader in the field of technological solutions for chemical analysis, biopharmaceutical research, diagnosis, electronics and telecommunications. The company has 20 500 employees working in more than 100 countries. For the 2012 financial year net profit Agilent amounted to $ 6,9 billion.
Agilent Forum 2013: prospects of development Agilent Technologies is a world leading manufacturer of measuring devices and a leader in the field of technological solutions for chemical analysis, biopharmaceutical research, diagnosis, electronics and telecommunications. The company has 20 500 employees working in more than 100 countries. For the 2012 financial year net profit Agilent amounted to $ 6,9 billion.
Tags: chromatography diagnosis mass spectrometry the chemical analysis диагностика масс-спектрометрия химический анализ хроматография
Instrumentation and components
Analysis of the petroleum products by chromatographic methods The development of oil and gas industry - one of the priorities of the Russian economy. Oil and gas are among the most competitive Russian goods, and enjoy a high and steady demand from the world’s consumers. Therefore, special attention is paid to the quality of products. One of the methods for quality control of oil - gas chromatography. Today - it is widespread physical and chemical methods. The article is devoted to the definition of the component composition of petroleum products, including liquefied petroleum gas by gas chromatography according to the regulations.
Analysis of the petroleum products by chromatographic methods The development of oil and gas industry - one of the priorities of the Russian economy. Oil and gas are among the most competitive Russian goods, and enjoy a high and steady demand from the world’s consumers. Therefore, special attention is paid to the quality of products. One of the methods for quality control of oil - gas chromatography. Today - it is widespread physical and chemical methods. The article is devoted to the definition of the component composition of petroleum products, including liquefied petroleum gas by gas chromatography according to the regulations.
Tags: chromatograph gas chromatography liquefied petroleum gas (lpg) petroleum products газовая хроматография нефтепродукты сжиженный углеводородный газ (суг) хроматограф
The Series AXIMA MALDI ionization of Shimadzu: features and application Shimadzu Corporation established 1875 in Kyoto, Japan as teaching equipment family workshop, have the more than 120-year history and today is a global corporation operating in the field of precision instruments manufacturing and produces today a wide range of innovative equipment for chemical analysis. In the list of manufactured devices can be found as simple spectrophotometers for routine analysis, and the most complicate systems (chromatographs and mass spectrometers, X-ray and optical spectrometers, and others) that solve complex problems in various areas of science. Particular place in a wide product line, Shimadzu occupied by mass spectrometers. Article devoted to the peculiarities of work and the use of mass spectrometers with a series AXIMA ionization MALDI.
The Series AXIMA MALDI ionization of Shimadzu: features and application Shimadzu Corporation established 1875 in Kyoto, Japan as teaching equipment family workshop, have the more than 120-year history and today is a global corporation operating in the field of precision instruments manufacturing and produces today a wide range of innovative equipment for chemical analysis. In the list of manufactured devices can be found as simple spectrophotometers for routine analysis, and the most complicate systems (chromatographs and mass spectrometers, X-ray and optical spectrometers, and others) that solve complex problems in various areas of science. Particular place in a wide product line, Shimadzu occupied by mass spectrometers. Article devoted to the peculiarities of work and the use of mass spectrometers with a series AXIMA ionization MALDI.
Tags: maldi ionization mass spectrometry proteomics tandem mass-spectrometry time of flight mass analyzer времяпролетный масс-анализатор ионизация малди масс-спектрометры протеомика тандемная масс-спектрометрия
O.Lerner, A.Afanasyev
Automation of quality control of petroleum and petroleum products. The basic aspects of the quality control automation of oil and oil products are considered. The main problems associated with the use of manual or semi-automatic equipment are highlighted. The role of different types of errors and ways to overcome them are discussed. Identified the need to increase the degree of automation equipment for accurate results.
Automation of quality control of petroleum and petroleum products. The basic aspects of the quality control automation of oil and oil products are considered. The main problems associated with the use of manual or semi-automatic equipment are highlighted. The role of different types of errors and ways to overcome them are discussed. Identified the need to increase the degree of automation equipment for accurate results.
Tags: quality control of petroleum and petroleum products, automation the heating rate the time of making the test flame автоматизация оборудования время внесения тестового пламени контроль качества нефти и нефтепродуктов скорость нагрева
iFunnel Technology for Enhanced Sensitivity in Tandem LC/MS systems from Agilent Electrospray ionization (ESI) has proven to be robust and widely applicable for the analysis of many types of chemical compounds. Agilent’s new iFunnel Technology combines the high ESI ion generation and focusing of Agilent Jet Stream technology with a hexabore capillary sampling array, which enables a much larger fraction of the ESI spray plume to enter the mass spectrometer ion optics. A unique dual-stage ion funnel allows increased ion transmission, while evacuating a much higher gas load. This innovative design reduces contamination and neutrals to greatly improve overall system signal and reduce system noise. This technical overview demonstrates the iFunnel Technology on the new 6490 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS System enabling zeptomole sensitivity for the first time in a quadrupole based tandem mass spectrometer at conventional flow rates.
iFunnel Technology for Enhanced Sensitivity in Tandem LC/MS systems from Agilent Electrospray ionization (ESI) has proven to be robust and widely applicable for the analysis of many types of chemical compounds. Agilent’s new iFunnel Technology combines the high ESI ion generation and focusing of Agilent Jet Stream technology with a hexabore capillary sampling array, which enables a much larger fraction of the ESI spray plume to enter the mass spectrometer ion optics. A unique dual-stage ion funnel allows increased ion transmission, while evacuating a much higher gas load. This innovative design reduces contamination and neutrals to greatly improve overall system signal and reduce system noise. This technical overview demonstrates the iFunnel Technology on the new 6490 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS System enabling zeptomole sensitivity for the first time in a quadrupole based tandem mass spectrometer at conventional flow rates.
Tags: esi ifunnel jet stream tandem lc/ms thermal gradient focusing technology zeptomole sensitivity тандемная вэжх-мс термо-градиентная фокусировка чувствительность на уровне зептомоль электроспрей
E. Wang, F. Shi , E. Manlapig
Factors affecting electrical comminution performance Factors affecting electrical comminution performance were investigated through experimental work and numerical simulations. The effects of feed size, under-sieve classification, incremental breakage and energy input level on particle pre-weakening and mineral liberation were tested with six ore samples. These results were used to interpret the differences in breakage and liberation for various ores. The results showed that the induced electrical field is strongly dependent on the electrical properties of minerals, the grain size, the location of the conductive minerals in rocks, and the particle shape/orientation. Understanding how the machine-related factors and ore-related factors affect the electrical comminution performance will assist in the machine scale up development.
Factors affecting electrical comminution performance Factors affecting electrical comminution performance were investigated through experimental work and numerical simulations. The effects of feed size, under-sieve classification, incremental breakage and energy input level on particle pre-weakening and mineral liberation were tested with six ore samples. These results were used to interpret the differences in breakage and liberation for various ores. The results showed that the induced electrical field is strongly dependent on the electrical properties of minerals, the grain size, the location of the conductive minerals in rocks, and the particle shape/orientation. Understanding how the machine-related factors and ore-related factors affect the electrical comminution performance will assist in the machine scale up development.
Non-destructive molecular profiling of the skin using Confocal Raman microscopy Confocal Raman spectroscopy has been employed as non-destructive and label free tool for molecular profiling of the skin. Molecular profiling of the skin is important for cosmetic dermatological, skin cancer, defense and security research. Renishaw’s inVia Raman microscope was applied to excised porcine skin to spatially resolve the chemical composition in the skin at different depths. Both intrinsic biomolecules of the skin and intrinsic topically applied chemicals were profiled. This work demonstrates the potential for Renishaw’s inVia Raman microscope to be applied to skin research in vivo and ex vivo.
Non-destructive molecular profiling of the skin using Confocal Raman microscopy Confocal Raman spectroscopy has been employed as non-destructive and label free tool for molecular profiling of the skin. Molecular profiling of the skin is important for cosmetic dermatological, skin cancer, defense and security research. Renishaw’s inVia Raman microscope was applied to excised porcine skin to spatially resolve the chemical composition in the skin at different depths. Both intrinsic biomolecules of the skin and intrinsic topically applied chemicals were profiled. This work demonstrates the potential for Renishaw’s inVia Raman microscope to be applied to skin research in vivo and ex vivo.
Tags: confocal raman spectroscopy molecular profiling of the skin non-destructive and label free tool skin research in vivo and ex vivo исследования кожи in vivo и ex vivo конфокальная рамановская спектроскопия молекулярное профилирование состава кожи неразрушающий метод анализа
E.Novikov, R.Shah, M.Exhume
Analytics of biodiesel fuels A number of new GOST methods have appeared recently in Russian Federation identical to those of EN methods. These methods have benchmarked the forthcoming of biodiesel fuel to our reality. This forthcoming is so far virtual since biodiesel fuels are not produced in our country, but still real: the control of biodiesel additives in diesel fuel “Euro” is obligatory even in their absence. This article describes briefly the method of manufacturing of biodiesel fuel and analytical methods for its quality control.
Analytics of biodiesel fuels A number of new GOST methods have appeared recently in Russian Federation identical to those of EN methods. These methods have benchmarked the forthcoming of biodiesel fuel to our reality. This forthcoming is so far virtual since biodiesel fuels are not produced in our country, but still real: the control of biodiesel additives in diesel fuel “Euro” is obligatory even in their absence. This article describes briefly the method of manufacturing of biodiesel fuel and analytical methods for its quality control.
Tags: fatty acid methyl esters (fame) quality properties standard euro биодизельное топливо показатели качества, метиловые эфиры жирных кислот (fame) biodie стандарт евро
M.Rodchenkova, S.Novikova
Optimization of liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection method for the qualitative and semi-quantitative proteomic analysis The proteome is the entire complement of proteins including the modifications made to a particular set of proteins, produced by an organism or system. This will vary with time and distinct requirements, or stresses, that a cell or organism undergoes. In contrast, the genome is very dynamic proteome: the expression pattern of proteins in the body cells varies depending on the physiological functions of cell differentiation and raising environmental factors. In the last decade, the proteomic analysis involve widely using of high-tech, highly effective, informative and sensitive methods such as high performance liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and the use of protein chips with different types of detection. For quantitative proteomics of induced differentiation cancer cell line HL-60 was used methods LC / MS / MS.
Optimization of liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection method for the qualitative and semi-quantitative proteomic analysis The proteome is the entire complement of proteins including the modifications made to a particular set of proteins, produced by an organism or system. This will vary with time and distinct requirements, or stresses, that a cell or organism undergoes. In contrast, the genome is very dynamic proteome: the expression pattern of proteins in the body cells varies depending on the physiological functions of cell differentiation and raising environmental factors. In the last decade, the proteomic analysis involve widely using of high-tech, highly effective, informative and sensitive methods such as high performance liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and the use of protein chips with different types of detection. For quantitative proteomics of induced differentiation cancer cell line HL-60 was used methods LC / MS / MS.
Tags: high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry quantification of proteins the proteome analysis количественная оценка белков протеомный анализ хромато-масс-спектрометрический метод
Experts opinion