Exhibitions and Conferences
M. N. Filippov, V. B. Baranovskaya
Analytical Spectroscopy Combines. Based on the Results of the 4th All-Russian Conference on Analytical Spectroscopy doi.org/ 10.22184/2227-572X.2023.13.6.402.406
Analytical Spectroscopy Combines. Based on the Results of the 4th All-Russian Conference on Analytical Spectroscopy doi.org/ 10.22184/2227-572X.2023.13.6.402.406
N. G. Oganyan, V. I. Dobrovolskiy
The 6th International Scientific and Technical Conference Metrology of Physical and Chemical Measurements doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2023.13.6.408.414
The 6th International Scientific and Technical Conference Metrology of Physical and Chemical Measurements doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2023.13.6.408.414
Analytics of Substances and Materials
T. A. Maryutina, E. Yu. Savonina
Application of Countercurrent Chromatography in an Analytical Laboratory doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2023.13.6.444.455
The review is devoted to the features of the method of liquid chromatography with a free stationary phase (CCC) and its capabilities in the field of isolation, concentration and separation of substances (organic and inorganic) for solving analytical problems. It is shown that the CCC can be used in the analysis of various objects (ultrapure substances, geological samples, oil, vegetable raw materials, pharmaceuticals, soils, etc.). The possibility of creating a reagent concentration gradient in the stationary phase during the chromatographic process as a unique feature of the method is noted.
Application of Countercurrent Chromatography in an Analytical Laboratory doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2023.13.6.444.455
The review is devoted to the features of the method of liquid chromatography with a free stationary phase (CCC) and its capabilities in the field of isolation, concentration and separation of substances (organic and inorganic) for solving analytical problems. It is shown that the CCC can be used in the analysis of various objects (ultrapure substances, geological samples, oil, vegetable raw materials, pharmaceuticals, soils, etc.). The possibility of creating a reagent concentration gradient in the stationary phase during the chromatographic process as a unique feature of the method is noted.
Tags: analysis concentration liquid chromatography with free stationary phase multistage extraction rotating coiled columns sample preparation separation анализ вращающиеся спиральные колонки жидкостная хроматография со свободной неподвижной фазой концентрирование многоступенчатая экстракция пробоподготовка разделение
Chemical Analysis Metrology
I. V. Boldyrev, N. I. Luk’janchikova
Monitoring the Reliability of Test Results doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2023.13.6.420.426
The article discusses the main ideas for organizing a procedure for monitoring the reliability of results, the procedure for conducting internal control for methods used for screening purposes and the optimal ways to control them. A flow chart of the process Ensuring the reliability of test results, examples of an internal control plan for test results and a form for preventive control of the methodology are given.
Monitoring the Reliability of Test Results doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2023.13.6.420.426
The article discusses the main ideas for organizing a procedure for monitoring the reliability of results, the procedure for conducting internal control for methods used for screening purposes and the optimal ways to control them. A flow chart of the process Ensuring the reliability of test results, examples of an internal control plan for test results and a form for preventive control of the methodology are given.
Tags: алгоритмы и средства контроля внутрилабораторный (внутренний) контроль газоанализатор : гост iso / iec 17025-2019 достоверность результата индикаторная трубка лаборатория методика скрининга объект (проба) предел обнаружения селективность (избирательность)
A. I. Krylov, E. R. Lazarenko
On Verification, Calibration of Instruments, Certification of Methods and Reliability of the Results of Chemical Analytical Measurements doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2023.13.6.428.434
The main ways to achieve the reliability (unity) of measurement results, according to existing regulations, are mainly related to the verification of instruments, their calibration or reproduction of metrologically certified measurement methods. When it comes to measuring the amount of a substance, traditional approaches are not always optimal. So, for specific analyzers, a number of electrochemical devices, etc. verification is a completely justified and necessary element of obtaining reliable measurement results. When reproducing (or developing) methods implemented on universal devices, first of all, we should talk about constructing calibration characteristics (specific for each specific substance), observing sample preparation regimes, etc. In this case, the feasibility of verifying the device becomes at least questionable. Obtaining adequate results is largely influenced by the availability and use of appropriate calibration means: reference materials (pure substances or solutions), means of monitoring the obtained data – matrix type RM, as well as certified measurement techniques. Thus, in the field of chemical-analytical measurements, there is a need to revise the list of instruments subject to mandatory verification, and at the same time, it is advisable to more actively develop the direction of work to significantly expand the list of reference materials, including matrix-type reference materials.
On Verification, Calibration of Instruments, Certification of Methods and Reliability of the Results of Chemical Analytical Measurements doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2023.13.6.428.434
The main ways to achieve the reliability (unity) of measurement results, according to existing regulations, are mainly related to the verification of instruments, their calibration or reproduction of metrologically certified measurement methods. When it comes to measuring the amount of a substance, traditional approaches are not always optimal. So, for specific analyzers, a number of electrochemical devices, etc. verification is a completely justified and necessary element of obtaining reliable measurement results. When reproducing (or developing) methods implemented on universal devices, first of all, we should talk about constructing calibration characteristics (specific for each specific substance), observing sample preparation regimes, etc. In this case, the feasibility of verifying the device becomes at least questionable. Obtaining adequate results is largely influenced by the availability and use of appropriate calibration means: reference materials (pure substances or solutions), means of monitoring the obtained data – matrix type RM, as well as certified measurement techniques. Thus, in the field of chemical-analytical measurements, there is a need to revise the list of instruments subject to mandatory verification, and at the same time, it is advisable to more actively develop the direction of work to significantly expand the list of reference materials, including matrix-type reference materials.
Tags: calibration chemical-analytical measurements measurement techniques mole of substance reference materials reliability of measurement results uniformity of measurements verification градуировка достоверность результатов измерений единство измерений калибровка методики измерений моль вещества поверка стандартные образцы химико-аналитические измерения
V. I. Dobrovolskiy, N. G. Oganyan
Improving the Metrological Base of Physicochemical and Electrochemical Measurements doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2023.13.6.436.441
Metrology is the basis for the quality of products and processes, since measurement results serve as the source of many decisions made. It plays a key role in the development of scientific and technological progress, in the design and efficient production of products in accordance with customer needs, and in the process of detecting and preventing nonconformities. Metrology fundamentally supports public health, safety and environmental protection, food production and fair trial. A certain role in the overall metrological infrastructure of the country belongs to metrological institutes. Their goals and objectives involve carrying out activities in the interests of society. VNIIFTRI is the State Scientific Metrological Institute of the Russian Federation. One of the activity areas of VNIIFTRI is physical and chemical types of measurements, assigned to the corresponding Research Department – NIO 6, which occupies a worthy place in the implementation of assigned tasks.
This work describes the achievements of NIO 6 over the past two years: from mid 2021 to the first half of 2023 inclusive, aimed at ensuring uniformity in the country in the field of physicochemical measurements, including measurements of particle parameters and measurements in electrochemistry.
Improving the Metrological Base of Physicochemical and Electrochemical Measurements doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2023.13.6.436.441
Metrology is the basis for the quality of products and processes, since measurement results serve as the source of many decisions made. It plays a key role in the development of scientific and technological progress, in the design and efficient production of products in accordance with customer needs, and in the process of detecting and preventing nonconformities. Metrology fundamentally supports public health, safety and environmental protection, food production and fair trial. A certain role in the overall metrological infrastructure of the country belongs to metrological institutes. Their goals and objectives involve carrying out activities in the interests of society. VNIIFTRI is the State Scientific Metrological Institute of the Russian Federation. One of the activity areas of VNIIFTRI is physical and chemical types of measurements, assigned to the corresponding Research Department – NIO 6, which occupies a worthy place in the implementation of assigned tasks.
This work describes the achievements of NIO 6 over the past two years: from mid 2021 to the first half of 2023 inclusive, aimed at ensuring uniformity in the country in the field of physicochemical measurements, including measurements of particle parameters and measurements in electrochemistry.
Tags: electrical conductivity electrochemical measurement get gso metrological traceability particle parameter spectrometry standard material state primary standard государственный первичный эталон гсо гэт метрологическая прослеживаемость параметр частиц спектрометрия стандартный образец удельная электропроводность электрохимическое измерение
Analytical Methods and Instruments
A. V. Astakhov, I. A. Platonov, V. I. Platonov, I. N. Kolesnichenko
Application of Gas Chromatography in Medicine doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2023.13.6.456.460
Preserving and protecting the health of the population is the main strategic objective of any state, therefore the development of methods for diagnosing diseases in the early stages and identifying risk factors for the occurrence of functional disorders of vital organs and systems is a primary task. For diagnosis, techniques and methods from various fields of science are used – physical, radiological, biological and physicochemical. Among physicochemical methods, gas chromatographic methods are most widely used. The article discusses the achievements, possibilities and prospects of non-invasive diagnostics using gas chromatography.
Application of Gas Chromatography in Medicine doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2023.13.6.456.460
Preserving and protecting the health of the population is the main strategic objective of any state, therefore the development of methods for diagnosing diseases in the early stages and identifying risk factors for the occurrence of functional disorders of vital organs and systems is a primary task. For diagnosis, techniques and methods from various fields of science are used – physical, radiological, biological and physicochemical. Among physicochemical methods, gas chromatographic methods are most widely used. The article discusses the achievements, possibilities and prospects of non-invasive diagnostics using gas chromatography.
Tags: biomarkers detectors gas chromatography mass spectrometry non-invasive diagnostic methods sampling биомаркеры газовая хроматография детекторы масс-спектрометрия неинвазивные методы диагностики пробоотбор
I. V. Dyumaeva, A. V. Kurochkin
Application of the Hierarchy Analysis Method When Choosing Laboratory Information Management Systems doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2023.13.6.462.466
The article is devoted to the application of a modified hierarchy analysis method for decision-making when choosing laboratory information management systems. A possible set of selection criteria that can be universal for most laboratories is discussed and questions of the relative significance of the criteria are considered. In the developed methodology, a computer statistical modeling was used to quantify the reliability of the decision being made.
Application of the Hierarchy Analysis Method When Choosing Laboratory Information Management Systems doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2023.13.6.462.466
The article is devoted to the application of a modified hierarchy analysis method for decision-making when choosing laboratory information management systems. A possible set of selection criteria that can be universal for most laboratories is discussed and questions of the relative significance of the criteria are considered. In the developed methodology, a computer statistical modeling was used to quantify the reliability of the decision being made.
Tags: computer statistical modeling decision-making hierarchy analysis method laboratory information management systems / lims компьютерное статистическое моделирование лабораторные информационные менеджмент-системы / лимс метод анализа иерархий принятие решений
Annual Issue