Metrology and Accreditation
O. S. Shokhina, A. S. Sergeeva, M. P. Krasheninina
Experience of interlaboratory comparisons on determination of quality indicators for medicines and pharmaceutical substances This article discusses the issue of proficiency testing of laboratories that carry out quality control of medicines and pharmaceutical substances by conducting interlaboratory comparisons (ILCs). The problem of analyzing of results of the ILCs if a provider attracts subcontractors is revealed. The experience of UNIIM on conducting of the ILCs on the determination of the quality indicators for medicines and pharmaceutical substances was considered. State standards, measuring instruments, equipments, used for preparation of samples for ILCs, establishment of assigned values, homogeneity and stability studies, and choice of measurement mode are listed. The list of objects and defined indicators for the ILCs in the field of assessment of the quality indicators of medicines and pharmaceutical substances conducted by UNIIM in the period from 2014 to 2018 is presented. An example of increasing the level of qualification of laboratories with repeated participation in the ILCs after identifying and eliminating of analysis errors found during primary participation is shown. The tendency of an annual increase in the number of laboratories that participate in the ILCs of medicines and pharmaceutical substances conducted by UNIIM indicating their high practical value is revealed.
Experience of interlaboratory comparisons on determination of quality indicators for medicines and pharmaceutical substances This article discusses the issue of proficiency testing of laboratories that carry out quality control of medicines and pharmaceutical substances by conducting interlaboratory comparisons (ILCs). The problem of analyzing of results of the ILCs if a provider attracts subcontractors is revealed. The experience of UNIIM on conducting of the ILCs on the determination of the quality indicators for medicines and pharmaceutical substances was considered. State standards, measuring instruments, equipments, used for preparation of samples for ILCs, establishment of assigned values, homogeneity and stability studies, and choice of measurement mode are listed. The list of objects and defined indicators for the ILCs in the field of assessment of the quality indicators of medicines and pharmaceutical substances conducted by UNIIM in the period from 2014 to 2018 is presented. An example of increasing the level of qualification of laboratories with repeated participation in the ILCs after identifying and eliminating of analysis errors found during primary participation is shown. The tendency of an annual increase in the number of laboratories that participate in the ILCs of medicines and pharmaceutical substances conducted by UNIIM indicating their high practical value is revealed.
Tags: ilcs interlaboratory comparisons medicines metrological traceability pharmaceutical substance proficiency testing quality indicators state standard лекарственные препараты межлабораторные сличительные испытания метрологическая прослеживаемость мси проверка квалификации эталоны
K. V. Chekirda
International Unit system based on fundamental physical constants The International Unit System SI contains seven basic units: second, meter, kilogram, ampere, Kelvin, mole and candela. It is currently being revised to update the definitions of four of these units. In November 2018, the updated definitions of kilogram, ampere, Kelvin and mole will be approved by the General Conference on Weights and Measure (CGMW) and the international institution responsible for the global comparability of measurements. The changes are expected to take effect on May 20, 2019.
International Unit system based on fundamental physical constants The International Unit System SI contains seven basic units: second, meter, kilogram, ampere, Kelvin, mole and candela. It is currently being revised to update the definitions of four of these units. In November 2018, the updated definitions of kilogram, ampere, Kelvin and mole will be approved by the General Conference on Weights and Measure (CGMW) and the international institution responsible for the global comparability of measurements. The changes are expected to take effect on May 20, 2019.
Tags: basic units of the si system international prototype kilogram international system of units si standard watt-weights ватт-весы международная система единиц си международный прототип килограмма основные единицы системы си эталон
Exhibitions and Conferences
A. S. Avilov, A. L. Vasil’ev, V. V. Rodchenkova
27th Russian Conference on electron microscopy. 5th School for young scientists (RCEM-2018). On the state of electron microscopy methods in Russia and abroad From 26 to 30 August 2018 in Chernogolovka, with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the 27th Russian Conference on Electron Microscopy RCEM-2018 Modern electron and probe microscopy methods in nanomaterials and nanostructural research was held. Within the framework of the conference, the 5th School of Young Scientists was held. National conferences on electron microscopy are held by the Scientific Council on Electron Microscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the participation of the A. V. Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Problems of Technology of Microelectronics and High-Purity Materials of the Russian Academy of Sciences for more than 50 years.
27th Russian Conference on electron microscopy. 5th School for young scientists (RCEM-2018). On the state of electron microscopy methods in Russia and abroad From 26 to 30 August 2018 in Chernogolovka, with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the 27th Russian Conference on Electron Microscopy RCEM-2018 Modern electron and probe microscopy methods in nanomaterials and nanostructural research was held. Within the framework of the conference, the 5th School of Young Scientists was held. National conferences on electron microscopy are held by the Scientific Council on Electron Microscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the participation of the A. V. Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Problems of Technology of Microelectronics and High-Purity Materials of the Russian Academy of Sciences for more than 50 years.
Tags: electron and ion lithography electron microscopy femtosecond microscopy nano-biomaterials nanoscale structures нанобиоматериалы наноразмерные структуры фемтосекундная микроскопия электронная и ионная литография электронная микроскопия
Modern laboratory
Analysis and control: methods, instruments, solutions
K. Je. Yakovleva, V. V. Rodchenkova
Large insights into microorganisms. Nanoporous sequencing based on long reads Microorganisms are the most numerous and diverse form of life on Earth, with an estimated value of trillion species. These are essential components of all ecosystems that play a crucial role in the preservation of health, the development of diseases and in many technological processes. Sequencing technologies have had a tremendous impact on a microbiology. The paper describes how modern microbiologists use nanopore sequencing on the basis of long readings in real mode to solve the problems of sequencing short readings and fully describe the microbial genomes, opening up new opportunities to study their evolution, pathogenicity and resistance to antibiotics.
Large insights into microorganisms. Nanoporous sequencing based on long reads Microorganisms are the most numerous and diverse form of life on Earth, with an estimated value of trillion species. These are essential components of all ecosystems that play a crucial role in the preservation of health, the development of diseases and in many technological processes. Sequencing technologies have had a tremendous impact on a microbiology. The paper describes how modern microbiologists use nanopore sequencing on the basis of long readings in real mode to solve the problems of sequencing short readings and fully describe the microbial genomes, opening up new opportunities to study their evolution, pathogenicity and resistance to antibiotics.
Tags: ecosystems microbial genomes microbiology nanoporous sequencing микробиология микробные геномы нанопоровое секвенирование экосистемы
Tomohiro Haruta
Comparison of 3D Imaging Methods in Electron Microscopy for Biomaterials TEM tomography has been widely used for three-dimensional (3D) analysis of fine structures. Recently, new 3D structure analysis methods with SEM, FIB-SEM, Serial Block-Face SEM (SBF-SEM), and Array tomography, are focused by many researchers due to performance improvements of computers and SEM. These methods are suitable for biological samples because their observable area is very wide compared with TEM tomography. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, however, there is little example of comparison among these methods using the same sample. In this study, we reconstructed 3D structure of the same sample (E.coliand phages) by FIB-SEM, SBF-SEM methods, Array tomography and TEM tomography, and investigated advantages and disadvantages of these methods.
Comparison of 3D Imaging Methods in Electron Microscopy for Biomaterials TEM tomography has been widely used for three-dimensional (3D) analysis of fine structures. Recently, new 3D structure analysis methods with SEM, FIB-SEM, Serial Block-Face SEM (SBF-SEM), and Array tomography, are focused by many researchers due to performance improvements of computers and SEM. These methods are suitable for biological samples because their observable area is very wide compared with TEM tomography. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, however, there is little example of comparison among these methods using the same sample. In this study, we reconstructed 3D structure of the same sample (E.coliand phages) by FIB-SEM, SBF-SEM methods, Array tomography and TEM tomography, and investigated advantages and disadvantages of these methods.