S. A. Buyanov
Integrated Use of X-ray Fluorescence Analyzers in Production is Modern and Correct https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.
Integrated Use of X-ray Fluorescence Analyzers in Production is Modern and Correct https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.
Yu. A. Zolotov
The Development of Analytical Instrumentation Should Become a Strategic Direction https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.
The Development of Analytical Instrumentation Should Become a Strategic Direction https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.
Chemical Analysis Metrology
A. V. Kartashova, L. V. Tropynina
Interlaboratory Comparisons: Ensuring Comparability of Analysis Results doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.
The results of the participation of laboratories in Interlaboratory comparisons (ILCs) and methodological problems of determining suspended solids in drinking water are discussed. The requirements of some methods for the procedure of sample filtration and possible reasons for obtaining incomparable measurement results are considered. To obtain comparable results, participating laboratories must comply with the rules for handling samples established by the provider, as well as comply with the requirements of the methodology.
Interlaboratory Comparisons: Ensuring Comparability of Analysis Results doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.
The results of the participation of laboratories in Interlaboratory comparisons (ILCs) and methodological problems of determining suspended solids in drinking water are discussed. The requirements of some methods for the procedure of sample filtration and possible reasons for obtaining incomparable measurement results are considered. To obtain comparable results, participating laboratories must comply with the rules for handling samples established by the provider, as well as comply with the requirements of the methodology.
Tags: comparability of results interlaboratory comparisons metrological traceability suspended solids взвешенные вещества межлабораторные сравнительные испытания метрологическая прослеживаемость сопоставимость результатов
Analytical Methods and Instruments
V. B. Baranovskaya, K. V. Petrova, M. S. Doronina, E. S. Koshel, N. A. Korotkova, A. A. Arkhipenko
A Complex of Optical-Spectral and Mass-Spectral of Methods of Analysis to Establish the Target Chemical Purity of Compounds of Rare Earth Metals and Materials Based on Them https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.
The research and development of materials based on rare earth metals is in demand and promising for the development of microelectronics, optical communications, laser technologies, etc. An important requirement for their effective use is the chemical purity and predictable composition of the raw materials. Establishing the purity of initial REMs and their compounds, control of the composition of intermediate and final products is a complex analytical problem. As a result of research in this work, complex methods have been created for the analysis of magnetic, luminophore and optical materials and raw materials for their preparation using of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and arc atomic emission analysis (AAEA). A complex complementary application of these methods is proposed, which makes it possible to ensure high accuracy and reliability of the results, to expand the determination limits for target impurities, the list of analytes and the range of analyzed materials.
A Complex of Optical-Spectral and Mass-Spectral of Methods of Analysis to Establish the Target Chemical Purity of Compounds of Rare Earth Metals and Materials Based on Them https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.
The research and development of materials based on rare earth metals is in demand and promising for the development of microelectronics, optical communications, laser technologies, etc. An important requirement for their effective use is the chemical purity and predictable composition of the raw materials. Establishing the purity of initial REMs and their compounds, control of the composition of intermediate and final products is a complex analytical problem. As a result of research in this work, complex methods have been created for the analysis of magnetic, luminophore and optical materials and raw materials for their preparation using of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and arc atomic emission analysis (AAEA). A complex complementary application of these methods is proposed, which makes it possible to ensure high accuracy and reliability of the results, to expand the determination limits for target impurities, the list of analytes and the range of analyzed materials.
Tags: direct current arc atomic emission spectrometry analysis inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry magnetic materials method development optical materials rare earth elements атомно-эмиссионная спектрометрия с индуктивно связанной плазмой дуговой атомно-эмиссионный анализ магнитные материалы масс-спектрометрия с индуктивно связанной плазмой оптические материалы разработка методики редкоземельные элементы
L. G. Shaidarova, I. A. Chelnokova, Y. A. Leksina, D. Y. Khairullina, H. C. Budnikov
Flow-injection Amperometric Determination of 5‑Hydroxytryptophan, Pyridoxine and Ascorbic Acid at Screen-printed Modified by Particles of the Gold-palladium Binary System https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.
5‑hydroxytryptophan, pyridoxine and ascorbic acid are the important biologically active substances without which the optimal functioning of the central nervous system and cardiovascular systems is impossible. It is important to determine the content of these organic compounds in real time for the composition control of dietary supplements in clinical diagnostics. It has been determined that particles of the gold-palladium binary system deposited at screen-printed electrode exhibit catalytic activity during the electrooxidation of 5‑hydroxytryptophan, pyridoxine and ascorbic acid. For the simultaneous analysis of three substances was used a two-channel flow-injection scheme with а parallel arrangement of two detectors, which were screen-printed electrode modified by particles of the gold-palladium binary system. The proposed method for the determination of the considered organic compounds provides high performance of the analysis.
Flow-injection Amperometric Determination of 5‑Hydroxytryptophan, Pyridoxine and Ascorbic Acid at Screen-printed Modified by Particles of the Gold-palladium Binary System https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.
5‑hydroxytryptophan, pyridoxine and ascorbic acid are the important biologically active substances without which the optimal functioning of the central nervous system and cardiovascular systems is impossible. It is important to determine the content of these organic compounds in real time for the composition control of dietary supplements in clinical diagnostics. It has been determined that particles of the gold-palladium binary system deposited at screen-printed electrode exhibit catalytic activity during the electrooxidation of 5‑hydroxytryptophan, pyridoxine and ascorbic acid. For the simultaneous analysis of three substances was used a two-channel flow-injection scheme with а parallel arrangement of two detectors, which were screen-printed electrode modified by particles of the gold-palladium binary system. The proposed method for the determination of the considered organic compounds provides high performance of the analysis.
Tags: chemically modified electrodes electrooxidation of 5‑hydroxytryptophan flow-injection analysis particles of the gold-palladium binary system pyridoxine and ascorbic acid screen-printed electrode пиридоксина и аскорбиновой кислоты планарный электрод проточно-инжекционный анализ химически модифицированные электроды частицы бинарной системы «золото – палладий» электроокисление 5-гидрокситриптофана
A. Ya. Yashin, Ya. I. Yashin
Determination of the Chemical Composition of tea by HPLC https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.
Tea has been known to man for more than 4500 years, it is consumed by 2 / 3 of the world‘s population. In recent decades, it has been scientifically proven that tea, especially green tea, can help protect a person from dangerous diseases . The healing properties are due to its chemical composition, the interest in determining which has greatly increased in recent years. Determination of the chemical composition of tea is mainly carried out by HPLC with different detection systems. A review of such works is given in this article.
Determination of the Chemical Composition of tea by HPLC https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.
Tea has been known to man for more than 4500 years, it is consumed by 2 / 3 of the world‘s population. In recent decades, it has been scientifically proven that tea, especially green tea, can help protect a person from dangerous diseases . The healing properties are due to its chemical composition, the interest in determining which has greatly increased in recent years. Determination of the chemical composition of tea is mainly carried out by HPLC with different detection systems. A review of such works is given in this article.
Tags: catechins chemical composition detectors liquid chromatography tea types of tea детекторы жидкостная хроматография катехины типы чая химический состав чай
Historic chapters
E. M. Senchenkova
Creativity M. S. Tswett as perceived by his contemporaries. To the 150th anniversary of the creator of chromatography https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.
2022 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Russian scientist Mikhail Semenovich Tswett (1872–1919), a well-known plant physiologist and biochemist, the creator of the method of chromatographic analysis. Now this method has received the widest application in biochemistry, analytical chemistry, biology, medicine, agriculture, in a number of industries: chemical, pharmaceutical, food: and many other areas of the national economy. In a word, wherever there is a need to obtain chemically pure substances, separate complex mixtures or identify unfamiliar compounds. Without the use of chromatography, there is now not a single scientific laboratory, not a single technical enterprise in which chemical analysis of substances is carried out or they are obtained in pure form. When creating and developing the method of chromatography, so many different opinions and conflicting opinions were expressed that this publication will present only those attitudes of the scientific community to the works of the scientist both in Russia and abroad, which developed only during his lifetime.
Creativity M. S. Tswett as perceived by his contemporaries. To the 150th anniversary of the creator of chromatography https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.
2022 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Russian scientist Mikhail Semenovich Tswett (1872–1919), a well-known plant physiologist and biochemist, the creator of the method of chromatographic analysis. Now this method has received the widest application in biochemistry, analytical chemistry, biology, medicine, agriculture, in a number of industries: chemical, pharmaceutical, food: and many other areas of the national economy. In a word, wherever there is a need to obtain chemically pure substances, separate complex mixtures or identify unfamiliar compounds. Without the use of chromatography, there is now not a single scientific laboratory, not a single technical enterprise in which chemical analysis of substances is carried out or they are obtained in pure form. When creating and developing the method of chromatography, so many different opinions and conflicting opinions were expressed that this publication will present only those attitudes of the scientific community to the works of the scientist both in Russia and abroad, which developed only during his lifetime.