Exhibitions and Conferences
S. Zhokhov, V. Shahnovich
Exhibition analytica-2014: fragments of a complex pazzles. Part 2 We continue the story of the exhibition analytica-2014, which has been in the 24 th time took place in Munich in early April. In the final section, we briefly review describe the production of two Russian companies, many of the new solutions leading manufacturers of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry equipment, solutions in the field of atomic and molecular spectroscopy, X-ray analysis
Exhibition analytica-2014: fragments of a complex pazzles. Part 2 We continue the story of the exhibition analytica-2014, which has been in the 24 th time took place in Munich in early April. In the final section, we briefly review describe the production of two Russian companies, many of the new solutions leading manufacturers of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry equipment, solutions in the field of atomic and molecular spectroscopy, X-ray analysis
Instrumentation and components
Shimadzu universal test machines World of mechanical tests is vast and varied: it has a micro and macro stress, as well as a large list of defined parameters and requirements for the accuracy of the measurements.
Shimadzu offering wide range universal test machines for high precision measurements from millinewton to meganewton range.
Electromechanical (EZTest, AGS-X and AG-Xplus series) and hydraulic (UH-X/FX series) test machines using for static evaluation are presented in this article.
Shimadzu universal test machines World of mechanical tests is vast and varied: it has a micro and macro stress, as well as a large list of defined parameters and requirements for the accuracy of the measurements.
Shimadzu offering wide range universal test machines for high precision measurements from millinewton to meganewton range.
Electromechanical (EZTest, AGS-X and AG-Xplus series) and hydraulic (UH-X/FX series) test machines using for static evaluation are presented in this article.
Tags: ags-x ag-xplus eztest shimadzu uh-x/fx universal test machines универсальные испытательные машины
J.Scholz, V.Murdakov
PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 – new advances in high-resolution ICP-OES Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) is an analytical technique used for the detection of ultimate composition. It is a type of emission spectroscopy that uses the inductively coupled plasma to produce excited atoms and ions that emit electromagnetic radiation at wavelengths characteristic of a particular element. ICP-OES method is widely used for environmental applications for the analysis of minerals, soils, and plant tissues and is extensively used in the fields of chemistry, geology and in the food industry.
This article presents capabilities of a new ICP-OES PlasmaQuant PQ 9000.
Standing for unsurpassed quality instrumentation PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 masters the most difficult analytical challenges in atomic spectroscopy with superiority in terms of convenience, flexibility and precision. The predominant performance of PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 emanates from manifold innovative achievements in spectrometer development, torch engineering as well as in plasma generation and observation.
PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 – new advances in high-resolution ICP-OES Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) is an analytical technique used for the detection of ultimate composition. It is a type of emission spectroscopy that uses the inductively coupled plasma to produce excited atoms and ions that emit electromagnetic radiation at wavelengths characteristic of a particular element. ICP-OES method is widely used for environmental applications for the analysis of minerals, soils, and plant tissues and is extensively used in the fields of chemistry, geology and in the food industry.
This article presents capabilities of a new ICP-OES PlasmaQuant PQ 9000.
Standing for unsurpassed quality instrumentation PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 masters the most difficult analytical challenges in atomic spectroscopy with superiority in terms of convenience, flexibility and precision. The predominant performance of PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 emanates from manifold innovative achievements in spectrometer development, torch engineering as well as in plasma generation and observation.
Tags: argon plasma icp-oes optical emission spectroscopy аргоновая плазма исп-оэс оптико-эмиссионная спектроскопия
A. Talibova, M. Muraviev , V. Feinberg , S. Ovchinnikov, M. Tokarev, S. Lapshin
Modern mass spectrometry: elements and isotopes determination Methods for elements and isotopes determination developed constantly more than a hundred years, starting from the most basic - titration, gravimetry, - and to the most complex instrumental methods. Today the hight resolution mass-spectrometry is the only method that can analyze any different complex samples and can determine trace concentrations of the elements and their isotopes this a femtogramm levels. The world's leading manufacturer of analytical equipment Thermo Fisher Scientific produces the whole range of instruments for elemental and isotopic analysis.
Modern mass spectrometry: elements and isotopes determination Methods for elements and isotopes determination developed constantly more than a hundred years, starting from the most basic - titration, gravimetry, - and to the most complex instrumental methods. Today the hight resolution mass-spectrometry is the only method that can analyze any different complex samples and can determine trace concentrations of the elements and their isotopes this a femtogramm levels. The world's leading manufacturer of analytical equipment Thermo Fisher Scientific produces the whole range of instruments for elemental and isotopic analysis.
Tags: element hight resolution mass-spectrometry isotopes изотопы масс-спектрометрия элементный состав
V.Kopachevsky, L.Bobrova, M.Krivosheeva
Analysis of human hair with the laser elemental analyzer LEA-S500 Hair is a keeper of information on a mineral metabolism in a human body during the entire period of hair growth. The results of quantitative determination of 30 macro - and microelements in human hair by LIBS method with the laser elemental analyzer LEA-S500 has been reported. On the basis of the obtained data the capabilities of LEA-S500 for investigation of element balance in a human body has been demonstrated.
Analysis of human hair with the laser elemental analyzer LEA-S500 Hair is a keeper of information on a mineral metabolism in a human body during the entire period of hair growth. The results of quantitative determination of 30 macro - and microelements in human hair by LIBS method with the laser elemental analyzer LEA-S500 has been reported. On the basis of the obtained data the capabilities of LEA-S500 for investigation of element balance in a human body has been demonstrated.
Tags: analysis of hair essential elements libs method анализ волос метод libs эссенциальные элементы
S. Cornaby, K. Kozaczek
Selection criteria of miniature X-ray sources based on wattage-maps. Moxtek is a manufacturer of miniature x-ray
sources which are used in handheld and portable XRF instruments. This document explores the trade-offs between geometry and tube power for a few XRF applications, including non-aluminum metal
alloy identification, trace element XRF, aluminum
metal alloy identification, and light element XRF. Moxtek’s low power X-ray sources such
as ULTRA-LITE (0.1 - 4 W) and MAGPRO (0.2 - 12 W) have been tested. Presented wattage-maps and appropriate recommendations are intended to lead a designer of an XRF system into a good geometry which will work for their particular needs.
Selection criteria of miniature X-ray sources based on wattage-maps. Moxtek is a manufacturer of miniature x-ray
sources which are used in handheld and portable XRF instruments. This document explores the trade-offs between geometry and tube power for a few XRF applications, including non-aluminum metal
alloy identification, trace element XRF, aluminum
metal alloy identification, and light element XRF. Moxtek’s low power X-ray sources such
as ULTRA-LITE (0.1 - 4 W) and MAGPRO (0.2 - 12 W) have been tested. Presented wattage-maps and appropriate recommendations are intended to lead a designer of an XRF system into a good geometry which will work for their particular needs.
Tags: miniature x-ray source wattage-map x-ray fluorescence analysis диаграмма мощности компактный источник рентгеновского излучения рентгенофлуоресцентный анализ
A.Zaharovа, A.Kravchenko, N.Isupova, I.Grinshtein
Vitamins in freshly squeezed juice during the summer period The present article is continuation of a series of publications of results of the researches on definition of the content of vitamins which are carried out to "Analit Prodakts" laboratories freshly squeezed juice and their stability at storage. In the previous article ("Stability of vitamins freshly squeezed juice", 2014, No. 3, p.72–79, 2014) provided data on juice from the fruit and vegetables available to winter time (in February). Further interested authors, what vitamins contain and as far as they are steady in juice at the end of summer and whether the content of vitamins fruits of domestic and import production is identical. Analyzed freshly squeezed juice from the most popular fruit and vegetables during their full maturing, at the end of August. For research are chosen apple, grape, water-melon, plum,
beet and carrot juice.
Vitamins in freshly squeezed juice during the summer period The present article is continuation of a series of publications of results of the researches on definition of the content of vitamins which are carried out to "Analit Prodakts" laboratories freshly squeezed juice and their stability at storage. In the previous article ("Stability of vitamins freshly squeezed juice", 2014, No. 3, p.72–79, 2014) provided data on juice from the fruit and vegetables available to winter time (in February). Further interested authors, what vitamins contain and as far as they are steady in juice at the end of summer and whether the content of vitamins fruits of domestic and import production is identical. Analyzed freshly squeezed juice from the most popular fruit and vegetables during their full maturing, at the end of August. For research are chosen apple, grape, water-melon, plum,
beet and carrot juice.
Tags: fresh juices hplc reversed-phase chromatography вэжх обращенно-фазовая хроматография свежевыжатые соки
For Analyst
Quantitative elemental analysis of cements spectrometer EDX-8000
XRF spectrometers can be successfully used for precision elemental analysis of cements
Experts opinion
Import means the best? Paradoxes of the Russian market
Foreign manufacturers of analytical equipment is considered one of the Russian market is the largest and most advanced in Europe, highlighting it in one of the priorities of the business. At the same time, Russian companies complain about the lack of demand for their products, though, that many claim that
their analytical instruments are not inferior in accuracy and reliability of the imported analogues, prices are much lower, and after-sales service is cheaper and easier. There is a paradox: the Russian market is not designed for the Russian manufacturer? What is the cause of this situation? And is there a way to change the balance of power in the domestic market of analytical equipment for the benefit of Russian companies?
their analytical instruments are not inferior in accuracy and reliability of the imported analogues, prices are much lower, and after-sales service is cheaper and easier. There is a paradox: the Russian market is not designed for the Russian manufacturer? What is the cause of this situation? And is there a way to change the balance of power in the domestic market of analytical equipment for the benefit of Russian companies?