DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.10.5.418.422

The rapid development of optoelectronic devices, photo and video detectors, the expansion of the bandwidth and speed of the data transmission channel make the video control and measurement systems one of the most promising in the near future. This study is devoted to the analysis of the components that affect the fuzziness of the object image obtained in the image. As the main components of the blur function, values are proposed that take into account the parameters of the environment between the object under study and the camera, the parameters of the object and detector movement, the internal parameters of the camera, and the color components of the object image and the background. At the same time, the blurring of the boundaries of the object, despite the poor quality of the images obtained, also carries information about the direction of movement, its speed, the state of the environment, etc., that can be used to determine the parameters of the state and movement of control objects.


Разработка: студия Green Art